Course curriculum

All our videos have an average duration of 4 minutes long and have a very practical approach with little theory.

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Unit Tests introduction

    2. PHPUnit, first test

    3. Unit test failure

    4. PHPUnit.xml options

    5. Test your learning

    1. Introduction to TDD

    2. First TDD test case

    3. Zero test case

    4. Negative test case

    5. TypeError Test case

    6. Recap

    1. Code optimization

    2. Code optimization, multiple assertions

    3. Code Coverage

    4. Code coverage, getBase

    5. Env variables

    1. Introduction

    2. 1) Write a test case that fails

    3. 2) Write the code to make it pass

    4. 3) Refactor: Improve code quality

    5. Test case: Non-existing customer

    6. Test case: Create customer with empty $custId

    7. Test case: Create customer with wrong $custId

    8. Test case: Update customer

    9. Test Case: Delete customer

    10. Final considerations

About this course

  • €59,00
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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